Tag Archives: vegetable

Summer Garden

Things are hoping here on the farm. The tomatoes are coming in so I’ll start canning this week. Cucumbers are still ready daily by the basket full. I checked on selling surplus at the local farmer’s market and plan to get a permit this week. There’s no way I’ll need to put up all that I planted. We’ve had a lot of rain so everything (including the weeds) is growing. So far we’ve had 2 hay cuttings too. A third will be ready in 4-5 weeks. The barn’s full, so it’s time to buy a tarp to store the rest outside under cover.

The blackberries are ready and I’ve picked 3 quarts of wild ones and froze them for now. Some were thumb size. Last year I gave some jam away for christmas presents and I have several people waiting for another jar. I’ll try making some up for the market too.

I have way too much lemon basil and not sure what to do with it so if anyone has any recipes let me know…

I found some glass oil decanters and filled one with extra virgin olive oil, fresh dill and garlic. I’ll let it sit for 3 months and then use it to dip bread in.

Green beans are also ready (kentucky wonder pole beans) Today I’m canning two plastic shopping bags full. They need the pressure canner.

I’ll try to catch up on horsey news soon when I have more time…Val

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